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About Us

What We Do

The Human Experience is a boutique consultancy that exists to maximise social impact. Our unique cocktail takes the best from human-centred design, creativity, lean processes, holistic journeys, data strategy, measurement and customer experience.

We specialise in three core areas – leadership and development, supporter experience and CRM & data strategy. The most exciting projects on where these all align – and we have the tools to help you do just that!

Excellence must draw on both the ying and yang and can be found where strong strategy & process meets amazing emotional engagement and culture. We will help you to identify and reach this sweet spot.

Steeped in two decades of cross-sector experience, our range of products & services provides tiered solutions tailored to your organisation’s budget and where you are on your journey to optimise the Human Experience impact of your organisation.

Who We Are

Jane Trenaman, Founder & MD

Jane brings varied experience across a range of sectors that, applied as appropriate, can help you to drive your organisation’s impact.

She has had the privilege to see this sector from many perspectives – as a leader, trustee, volunteer, donor, mentor, sponsor, funder, supplier & concerned citizen. Jane is a seasoned public speaker and writer in the space, driving thought leadership & strategy for social change.

Above all, Jane is an advocate for the sector, passionate about the power we have to shape the human experience.

How We Do It

Our Vision   

Our shared humanity is what binds us. Our ambition to better the human experience is what drives us.  United we have the power to drive greater social impact for a brighter future.

Our Mission  

Empowering players in the social impact sector through optimisation of their individual & collective experiences 

Our Values   

Human-centred approach/ Collaboration for impact / Insight-driven decisions / Openness & authenticity 

Why we do it

Because you’re on a journey, and we can help.

  • Because you want to move from weak supporter retention to holistic donor journeys, but you don’t know where to start or need to outsource some capacity or brainspace to progress to the next stage.
  • Because you know you need to invest in your people but you don’t have a huge budget to spend to drive employee engagement or make coming to work the experience they deserve.
  • Because your data strategy and/or operational platforms haven’t evolved to support your organisation’s ambition and you need support to manage the change.

Why choose us

Jane holds a BA in Business & Economics from TCD and an MBS in International Marketing from UCD.

In more recent years she has also qualified in a number of specialist fields spanning digital marketing, systems thinking & customer experience.

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