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Insight & Research

Evidence-based planning doesn’t have to cost the earth

Qualitative & Quantitative Research 

Building and nurturing your insight foundation will root your decision-making in fact, avoid costly mistakes and optimising your approach. Maybe you know there is a gap in your understanding, but you don’t have the time or budget for a lengthy market research project. That’s where we come in.

Professionally certified by the Market Research Society (UK), by partnering with us you are availing of over 10 years of agency & client-side cross-sectoral experience. We offer cost effective solutions to enhance your understanding of stakeholder needs, attitudes and experiences.

This includes desk research, survey design & delivery, qualitative interviews & focus groups – from supporter experience to concept & product development. We can help you to create the brief that’s right for you.

Or perhaps you have already undertaken a supporter survey, but you don’t know quite how to leverage the data or action the results? Read more about our project with St Francis Hospice Raheny where we took a deep dive into their survey data and transformed it into cross-functional workshops to drive cultural change and tangible actions.

KPI & Reporting Frameworks

What gets measured gets managed, but for metrics to be impactful, they need to cascade upwards and downwards in a meaningful way. This requires an integrated and holistic strategy, supported by strongly embedded performance management systems.

Reports and dashboards aside, insight is also a powerful way to reveal data’s value & enhance buy-in and investment appetite of internal stakeholders.

With a combined passion for metrics and leadership, The HX Consultancy can support your internal teams in developing critical reporting frameworks. From balanced scorecards at leadership level, to detailed specifications of fundraising operations metrics.

Our SLT and Board level experience adds weight to the valuable support I can bring in driving stakeholder engagement at all levels throughout this exercise.

We can guide your data team in the creation and automation of robust and meaningful reports. We also have experienced analysts we collaborate with regularly should you need to outsource more technical report creation.

Fundraising Strategy

Supporter Experience

CRM & Data Strategy

Insight & Research

Professional Development

Corporate Collaboration

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